Aireborough Learning Partnership Trust

Governance of the Trust

The Trust was set up to act as the foundation of the Schools and for the purpose of the School Standards and Framework Act 1998 and as such administers and manages the property and other assets of The Aireborough Learning Partnership – a Collaborative Trust for the public benefit as defined by the Memorandum and Articles of Association.

The purpose of the Trust is set out in the objects of the Articles of Association:

The Objects of the Trust are to advance the education of the learners at the Schools, to advance the education of other members of the community, and otherwise to benefit the community, it being acknowledged that in carrying out the Objects the Trust must (where applicable) have regard to its obligation to promote the community cohesion under the Education Acts.

It is intended that the curriculum and ethos of the Schools will place an emphasis on, and include a commitment to students learning about, shared values, with the aim of encouraging all learners to become better citizens, not only while they are learners but during the rest of their lives.

Vision and Values


The ALPT – a vibrant learning community.


‘Making a difference through: collaboration, aspiration, reflection, challenge, inclusiveness and impactfulness.’

Key objectives


Report and Accounts 2021-22 Trust Data Protection Policy Trustees' Report and Financial Statement 23-24